Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Thing 16: Student 2.0 tools

I thought these Student 2.0 tools were pretty amazing. I am really bad with procrastination, and to have something broken down into smaller tasks I think would have eliminated a lot of that. Part of the problem, I think, is when you have something that seems so huge to tackle, rather than dig in and get started, it's easier to just put it off. But with tools like these calculators, it's much easier to set goals for yourself (they're actually even set for you) and stay on track. I know as a teacher I would have found them invaluable for my students and would have encouraged each and every one of them to use them to help them complete their assignments. We do have a Teen Page on our web site, and although we don't promote that enough in and of itself, I think the Research Project Calculator would be a great addition. As far as the teacher side of it, I'm not really sure how we could effectively promote that in the library, but if a teacher were to let us know about an assignment, then we could definitely inform him or her of this tool.

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