Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Thing 15: Libraries and games

Games in the library really has been a hot topic at our library, and it's led to some tense moments and people losing their temper. We have a limited number of computers, and a person is allowed to have one reservation at a time, for up to one hour. If someone wants to use it for another hour, they would have to make another reservation. School-age kids are good at being able to make consecutive reservations, and they play Runescape. Some of the adults don't think that these games are important, so they get very frustrated when they have problems getting on the computer to do their real "work." Now, I know the system has its flaws, but it doesn't discriminate the number of reservations people can have, and it's equal for all, kids and adults. It's difficult, because to the kids playing Runescape, it's very important to them, but to some of the adults, it's "just games." I think it would be really helpful if we could have a separate area for school-age kids and adults, but that just isn't feasible at this location. I'm expecting that there will be many more complaints again this year once school is out for the summer.
I've never been much of a computer gamer, I don't really know the reason, but I haven't. I looked around the Second Life site a little bit and read about it, but I didn't really understand how people could make real money in a fictional world. It didn't make sense to me. And it seemed a little weird. That could be because the first time I heard about Second Life was on an episode of Law and Order: SVU. I didn't even know it was real until this Thing. It seems as though something like Second Life could be dangerous for people who get addicted and spend more time in that world than this real one, but I guess too much of anything is bad for people. I don't want to be too judgmental about it, because I didn't really give it a fair shot.
As far as the presence of libraries in Second Life, I guess I didn't completely understand that, either. Is it just so the people who do spend all their time in that world will have a place to go for information? I think I need to look into it more.

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